Delete corrupt rules using MFCMAPI

Delete corrupt rules using MFCMAPI

Following steps to be followed if you need to delete any corrupt/hidden rules using MFCMAPI.

• Export a backup of all Inbox rules from Outlook:

                                1. In Outlook 2007, please click the Tools > Rules & Alerts.
                                    In Outlook 2010 and 2013, please click the Rules > Manage Rules & Alerts in the Move group on the Home tab

                                2. Click the Options on the E-mail Rules tab.

                                3. Now the Options dialog box comes out, click Export rules.

                                4. And then in the Save Exported Rules as dialog box, open a folder to save the exported file firstly; secondly enter a name for the exported file in the File name: box, and at last click the Save button.

                                5. You can also refer to:

• Turn off the cached mode for Outlook.

                                1. Click the File tab.
                                2. Click Account Settings, and then click Account Settings.

                                3. On the E-mail tab, click the Exchange account, and then click Change.
                                4. Under Microsoft Exchange server, select or clear the Use Cached Exchange Mode check box.

                                5. Exit and then restart Microsoft Outlook.

• Delete all the rules using MFCMAPI.
                                1. Download the 32-bit or 64-bit version of MAPI tool as per the Outlook version.


                                2. Open the folder to which you extracted MFCMapi, double-click mfcmapi, and then click OK.
                                3. On the Session menu, click Logon and Display Store Table.

                                4. If you are prompted to select a profile, click the profile name in the Profile Name list, and then click OK.
                                5. Double-click the mailbox that contains the inbox rules that you want to delete.

                                6. Expand Root Container, and then expand Top of information Store.
                                Note: Outlook should be in Online mode to use MFCMAPI. If you see IPM_SUBTREE instead of Top of information Store, Outlook Cache mode is enabled. Disable Outlook Cache mode before you use MFCMapi.

                                7. Right-click Inbox, and then click Open Associated Contents Table.
                                The Open Associated Contents Table contains the hidden messages of the Inbox.

                                8. In the Inbox window, locate and then click the items that have the following message class, and then click Delete.
                                                a. IPM.Rule.Message
                                                b. IPM.Note.Rules.OofTemplate.Microsoft
                                                c. IPM.Note.Rules.ExternalOOFTemplate.Microsoft
                                                d. IPM.ExtendedRule.Message

                                9. Select Permanent delete passing DELETE_HARD_DELETE (unrecoverable) in the drop-down list, and then click OK.

                                10. Close the tool by logging off the session.

                                11. Additionally, this link can be referred:

• Launch the Outlook to test.
• Import the backed up rules (if any).

Links which can be referred:


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