Wrap Android LOB Apps to deploy Intune “Mobile Application Management” policies.
Before you
can go ahead and wrap your LOB app, there’s a few prerequisites that needs to
be taken care of first.
- You must run the app wrapping tool on a
Windows computer running Windows 7 or later.
- Your input app must be a valid Android
application package with the extension .apk file and:
- Cannot be encrypted
- Must not have already been wrapped by
the app wrapping tool
- Must be written for Android 4.0 or
- The app must be developed by, or for
your company. You cannot use this tool to process apps downloaded from the
Google Play Store.
To run the
app wrapping tool, you must install the latest version of the Java Runtime Environment and then ensure
that the Java path variable has been set to C:\ProgramData (x86)\Java\jre”xxxx” in your Windows
environment variables.
Install the
app wrapping tool
Download the Intune App Wrapping Tool for Android from the following
location: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=47267
Install the application on you system “Accept the license terms and click
Let the tool be installed in the default location and click Install.
The default location is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Intune
Mobile Application Management\Android\App Wrapping Tool
App signing
Before we
can go ahead and wrap an LOB app, we need to create a keystore with
keytool.exe, which is included with Java Runtime Environment.
Open Command prompt “Run as administrator” and
change the path to the installation directory of Java. E.g. C:\ProgramData (x86)\Java\jre”xxxx\bin” Like in my case the directory is C:\ProgramData (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_101\bin
1. Run the below command, this will help you to
generate the Keystore and set the password and its validity.
-genkey -v -keystore AWT.keystore
-alias AWT -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048
-validity 50000
The Above
command stores Keystore under this path“C:\ProgramData(x86)\Java\jre1.8.0.101\bin\AWT.keystore
You can change the keystore and
Alias name “AWT” to anything but remember to change the same in further
commands too.
2. Once the above command is successfully
executed, you will be prompted to enter the password. Enter the password of
your choice, but remember it as it will be required during executing the App wrapping
Wrapping an
Now that
we’ve successfully installed all prerequisites for wrapping an app, let’s
continue with some actual wrapping.
1. On your Machine create the following Folder
a. C:\AndroidApp\AppSource
b. C:\AndroidApp\WrappedApp
2. Place your app under the AppSource Folder
3. Run Windows PowerShell as administrator and change
the path to the installation directory of app wrapping tool I.E. C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Intune Mobile
Application Management\Android\App Wrapping Tool
4. Import the app wrapping tool PowerShell
module by running the following command.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Intune Mobile Application
Management\Android\App Wrapping Tool\IntuneAppWrappingTool.psm1"
5. Once the module is imported successfully run
the below command to start the app wrapping
-InputPath " C:\AndroidApp\AppSource\YourApplication.apk" -OutputPath
" C:\AndroidApp\WrappedApp\YourWrappedApplication.apk" -KeyStorePath "C:\Program
Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_101\bin\AWT.keystore" -KeyAlias AWT -SigAlg SHA1withRSA
Note! Remember to change to your own apk file.
6. Once this is executed you will be prompted to
enter the password, enter the same password which you had entered while
generating the keyStore
Once your application is wrapped you will get the successful notification
on PowerShell window, and the Wrapped application will be exported to the
Folder specified as “OutPutPath”
You can now
Add Wrapped application to Intune Portal and deploy MAM policies successfully.
Informative post. Thanks for sharing.
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